Cody Sperber: Real Estate Guru, Clever Investor, Social Media Phenom
Natasha Fischer: the mastermind behind the @TraderJoesList
Jack Abramov: Jewelry Oracle, Entrepreneur & Industry Insider
Jason Mandel: Financial Advisor, Wealth Strategist & Author
Brian Wargula & Shawn Wells: the names behind the success of Transformation Protein
Jenny Altshule: Founder & CEO of Listicle Studios, DR Powerhouse, Role Model
Gary Hewitt: President of Media, DR Legend, Lifetime Mentor
Mark Jones, Part 2: Top DR Expert, Brilliant Marketer, Raiders Fan
Mark Jones, Part 1: Top DR Expert, Brilliant Marketer, Raiders Fan
Mike Mardaresco: Ox Car Care CEO, Serial Entrepreneur, Dirt Biker
Kyle Kraska: Chief Sports Anchor, Survivor, Change Maker
Greg Shane: Creative Director for Theatre by the Blind, Occasional Magician
Cody Sperber: Real Estate Guru, Clever Investor, Social Media Phenom
Bill Raymond: Entrepreneur, Surfer, Sometimes Stutter